Toiletries, SkinCare and Jewellery

Amazon requires white background photos from sellers for several reasons:

  1. Consistency: Amazon aims to provide a consistent and uniform shopping experience for its customers. Requiring white background photos helps maintain a standardized look across product listings, creating a cohesive and professional appearance on the platform.
  2. Focus on the product: By using a white background, the focus of the photo is solely on the product itself. This allows customers to get a clear and unobstructed view of the item they are considering purchasing, without any distractions or clutter in the background.
  3. Product comparison: When products have consistent white background photos, it becomes easier for customers to compare different options side by side. This makes it simpler to evaluate the features, details, and appearance of various products, leading to more informed purchasing decisions.
  4. Brand neutrality: Using a white background eliminates any potential bias or preference towards a specific brand or seller. It ensures that all sellers are given an equal opportunity to showcase their products and compete on a level playing field, without any visual bias based on the background.
  5. Enhancing visibility: White backgrounds tend to make products stand out more prominently, particularly when thumbnails or search results are displayed in a grid format. This can improve the visibility and click-through rates of listings, potentially leading to higher sales for sellers.

It’s worth noting that these guidelines are specific to Amazon’s marketplace and their requirements for product listings. Other e-commerce platforms or marketplaces may have different photo requirements or guidelines. It’s essential for sellers to familiarize themselves with the specific image guidelines of the platforms they are using to ensure compliance and optimize their product listings.